Clean Water Funding Will Create Good-Paying Union Jobs Protecting Our Nation’s Clean Water Supply

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

After Vice President Harris announced $5.8 billion in new clean water infrastructure investment, including $3.2 billion for State Revolving Funds and $1 billion for rural water projects, United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) General President Mark McManus praised the funding as essential to protecting access to clean and safe water:

“For generations, the plumber has protected the health of the nation. With this funding announced today, the Biden-Harris Administration is working to ensure we continue to protect the health of the nation for generations to come,” said Mark McManus, General President of the United Association. “The strong labor protections attached to the Biden-Harris Administration’s historic infrastructure bills ensure that the best trained and most highly skilled craftspeople in the industry, the men and women of the United Association, will continue to build and maintain the essential infrastructure that delivers clean and safe water to all American communities. We are already hard at work replacing lead service lines, modernizing water treatment facilities, and upgrading water distribution systems – and the entire United Association looks forward to continuing our important work in partnership with the Biden-Harris Administration.”