In a massive win for working families, Democrats in Michigan repealed the state’s anti-worker Right-to-Work law and reinstated prevailing wage. United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) General President Mark McManus hailed the move as a historic step forward for workers across Michigan:
“So-called Right-to-Work laws mean workers earn less, have fewer benefits, and fewer protections on the jobsite. For ten years, workers in Michigan have suffered at the hands of big business. No more. Elected Democrats in Michigan took historic action to protect working families,” said Mark McManus, General President of the United Association. “By not only repealing Right-to-Work, but by reinstating prevailing wage for state projects, Michigan’s elected leaders sent a clear message to the working families they represent that everyone, regardless of circumstance, has the right to earn fair wages and benefits, the right to a safe jobsite, and the right to collectively bargain. Today is a historic day not only for Michiganders, but for working families everywhere. These anti-worker laws have no place in our country.”