Tim Michels Betrays His Own Employees as He Supports Anti-Worker Right-to-Work Law

Saturday, July 9, 2022

United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) General President Mark McManus released the following statement after Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate and Signatory Contractor Tim Michels voiced his support for the anti-worker so-called “Right-to-Work” law in Wisconsin:

“Rather than give workers freedom, Wisconsin’s so-called ‘Right-to-Work’ law really means workers have the ‘Right-to-Work-for-Less.’ Tim Michels turned his back on the very men and women who are not only hard at work building this country – from delivering reliable and affordable energy to modernizing our aging infrastructure – but who are turning profits so that he can get even richer,” said Mark McManus, General President of the United Association. “Working families deserve a Governor who will stand up and have their backs in Madison. Tim Michels unequivocally demonstrated today that he will not be an ally to working families. When the two leading Republican candidates are competing to see who will be more like the disastrous and anti-worker Governor Scott Walker, we all stand to lose.”