Ads air in MI, PA, and WI, feature two former Trump voters and one nurse.
The United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) launched three new television ads this week as part of a $1.2 million independent expenditure campaign supporting Joe Biden for President. In addition to a robust Member to Member digital program that has already served nearly 4 million impressions to UA members alone, these new ads are running on broadcast and cable in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Each ad features a local woman – two former Trump voters and one nurse practitioner – who all just want to get their lives back on track. All three women point to President Trump’s failures on the coronavirus and inability to build back our economy as critical in their decision to vote for Joe Biden this fall.
“It’s no secret that working families cannot afford another four years of a Trump Presidency,” said Mark McManus, General President of the United Association. “We’re hitting the airwaves in critical battleground states to make sure voters know President Trump has failed them. Janette, Nin, and Tammy all know firsthand what four years of Trump has done and why can’t have four more.”
These ads will air in critical swing counties across the Rust Belt, especially in Macomb County, Michigan, western Pennsylvania, and Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties in Wisconsin. Voters in these critical Rust Belt swing counties, who will quite literally decide the outcome of this election, will hear from important voices on why we need to elect Joe Biden as our next President.
“Make no mistake about it: voters in these swing counties will play a critical role in who wins on November 3rd,” said Russ Breckenridge, Senior Political Advisor for the United Association. “These ads all feature critical voices when we need to hear from them most. With Janette, Nin, and Tammy all sharing their stories, swing voters will see why four years of the Trump Administration have been bad for working families – and why eight years would be disastrous.”
Voters in Michigan will see “Janette,” featuring a former Trump voter and mother of two. In the ad, she talks about how her own daughters have had job offers fall through because of President Trump’s failure to address the coronavirus. The ad is running in the Flint media market with 768 GRPs and an additional 2640 Macomb County cable spots.
Pennsylvania voters will see “Nin,” featuring another former Trump voter who wants her life back after President Trump failed in his basic duties to keep us safe. The ad is running on broadcast in the Pittsburgh media market with 1003 GRPs.
In Wisconsin, voters will see “Tammy,” featuring an Appleton nurse who slams President Trump for downplaying the coronavirus. In the ad, she blames Trump for making the virus worse – especially in light of the recently released Woodward tapes. The ad is running in the Milwaukee media market with 430 GRPs and an additional 4011 cable spots in the WOW Counties: Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington.
You can view all of the UA’s endorsed candidates at and on Twitter at @battleground_ua.