United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) Launches Independent Expenditures in Support of Josh Shapiro and Jared Polis

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) today launched two new independent expenditure ads in Colorado and Pennsylvania in support of Jared Polis for Governor and Josh Shapiro for Governor. The two ad buys are backed by nearly $500,000 collectively.

“This fall, United Association jobs are on the ballot – and Jared Polis and Josh Shapiro will continue to stand up for our members, our wages, and our way of life. As Governor, Jared Polis has a strong track record of giving all Coloradans a fair shot at success. I have every confidence that he will continue to put working families like those of the United Association first in his next term as Governor,” said Mark McManus, General President of the United Association. “As Attorney General, Josh Shapiro has never backed down when it comes to protecting fair wages and benefits. As Governor, he’ll continue to keep his word and always stand up for working families. We’re proud to stand with Governor Polis and Attorney General Shapiro in this campaign just as they’ve always stood with us.”

You can view each ad at the links below:

Colorado Governor: “Strong

Pennsylvania Governor: “Word